Monday, May 13, 2013

20 Tips for a Successful Yard Sale in Sharon

20 Tips for a Successful Yard Sale in Sharon
20 Tips for a Successful Yard Sale in SharonPatch.comHe says to include your address and the cross street, and to specifiy if it is a multifamily sale and if you are offering popular sale items including children's toys and clothes, furniture and collectibles. At the entrances to your neighborhood, add ...
Ratha Con suspends local space-time continuum (but all in good fun...) - Athens NEWS
Athens NEWSRatha Con suspends local space-time continuum (but all in good fun...)Athens NEWSFrom Yellow Springs, Ohio, Super-Fly Comics & Games owner Jared Whittaker represented his store, which sells comics, games, toys, collectibles, and apparel. "We try to have a big slice of the nerd culture represented in our store," said Whittaker, who ...

collectible toys for sale

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